We are attending Motorfest!!
16th June 2022

We’re super excited to confirm we will be at the Motorfest Festival in Chelmsford this weekend for both days and below is a sneak peak of our leaflet that we will be distributing.

If you are attending, be sure to come and say Hello at our stand.

Have lovely weekend people and enjoy the weather!


Ignite join the Brentwood Chamber of Commerce

Ignite join the Brentwood Chamber of Commerce

We are very happy to announce that we have joined the Brentwood Chamber of Commerce which further strengthens our position in the local area and allows us to help fellow Business members in the Brentwood and surrounding areas of Essex with all of there Insurance...

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Commercial Insurance Broker of the Year 2023/2024

Commercial Insurance Broker of the Year 2023/2024

We are pleased to announce that we have just won the award for Commercial Insurance Broker of the year 2023/2024 in the London and South East Prestige awards and we couldn’t be happier!! We put a-lot of hard work, time and effort into making sure our clients not only...

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New Product Alert

New Product Alert

New Product Alert!! We have just teamed up with a new insurer for a Tech led Fleet Insurance product. Competitive premiums are given in return for a black box being fitted to each vehicle (Free in the first year). Providing no or low claims, a rebate of premium will...

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